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Courses in this category

Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) KHPI_02 – Теория 3D моделирования (Theory of 3D modeling)
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) KHPI_03 – Современные технологии материализации компьютерных моделей (Modern technologies of computer models materialization)
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) KHPI_04 – Компьютерное моделирование и дизайн механических систем (Computer modelling and mechanical systems designing)
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) KHPI_05 – 3D моделирование сложных изделий
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) KHPI_06 – Сборка машин
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed to anybody (even without login) KHPI_07 – Рабочие процессы современных технологических систем
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) KHPI_08 – Обратный инжиниринг
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) KHPI_09 – Моделирование виртуальной реальности
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) KHPI_10 – Автоматизация сборочного производства
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) KHPI_11 – Диагностика и контроль процессов высоких технологий
Garashchenko Yaroslav - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) KPI_01 – Проектирование компонентов гибких компьютеризированных систем
Polischuk M.N. - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LETI1 – СИСТЕМЫ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ В МЕХАТРОНИКЕ И ПРОМЫШЛЕННЫЕ СЕТИ
Nasedkin Anatolii Viktorovich - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) LETI2 – АДАПТИВНОЕ И МОДАЛЬНОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ МЕХАНИЧЕСКИМИ ОБЪЕКТАМИ С УПРУГИМИ ДЕФОРМАЦИЯМИ
Putov Viktor Vladimirovich - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) NSTU_2 – Проектирование мехатронных устройств и систем
Yatsevich Tatiana - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) SNTU_1 – Компьютерно-интегрированное проектирование (Computer-Integrated Design)
Fedorenko Sergey - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) SNTU_2 – Математические методы оптимизации (Mathematical methods of optimization)
Fedorenko Sergey - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) ZSTU_1 – Планирование, моделирование и верификация процессов в гибких производственных системах
Кирилович Валерий Анатольевич - Russian
Access allowed only to platform members (user registered to the platform) ZSTU_2 – Информационные системы в мехатронике и робототехнике
Самотокин Борис Борисович - Russian

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